Installing JamDB

JamDB is written in Python using the Tornado Web Framework.

It requires MongoDB version >= 3.2 and Elasticsearch version 1.7.


  1. Clone the JamDB git repo
  2. Create a new virtual environment for JamDB called jam
  3. Setup your new virtual environment for JamDB
    • Once in your virtual env, change into the directory you cloned JamDB into and execute python develop
    • Then execute pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install MongoDB and Elasticsearch
  5. Confirm they’re both running: ps aux | grep -i 'elasticsearch\|mongod'
  6. Run jam server
  7. In another terminal, run curl http://localhost:1212/v1/namespaces/ to confirm you can connect to the server. The response should be: {"data": [], "links": {}, "meta": {"perPage": 50, "total": 0}}

Next you should see the Namespaces section for instructions on creating your first namespace.